Prices and dispatch costs:
All prices posted are inclusive of statutory value added tax.
We deliver free of charge within Germany and to all EU countries, as well as to Switzerland and Liechtenstein as of a commodity value of 120.00 Euro.
That means that you don’t need to pay us any additional dispatch costs within Germany and to all EU countries, should your order exceed a value of 120.00 Euro.
Should your order not exceed 120.00 Euro, the following dispatch costs apply:
Germany & Austria | 7,90 Euro |
Other EU countries | 18,80 Euro |
Switzerland and Liechtenstein | 18,80 Euro |
Note: We will be happy to send on request to other countries outside the EU. Please contact us for your order.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +49 8652 2857.