Ordering process
Once you have found the desired product, you may place the latter non-bindingly in the shopping basket by clicking on the In the shopping basket button. You may non-bindingly view the shopping basket contents at any time by clicking on the Display shopping basket link in the right-hand column. You may again remove the products from the shopping basket at any time by selecting the checkbox and then clicking on the wastebasket symbol. Should you wish to purchase the products in the shopping basket, click on the Go to checkout button. Please enter your data then. The mandatory information is labelled by an *. Your data will be transmitted via encrypted code. After entering your data and selecting the method of payment, click on the Continue button to reach the ordering page, where you may re-check your entries. Click on the Confirm order button to complete the order. The process may be interrupted at any time by closing the Browser window. You can obtain more information, e.g. on the correction options, on the individual pages.
Contract text
The contractual text is stored on our internal systems. You may view the general terms and conditions of business at any time on this page. The ordering data and the general terms and conditions will be sent to you via e-mail.
Data privacy
Personal data will only be collected when you voluntary notify us of such data within the scope of your order of goods, when opening a customer account or when registering for our newsletter. We use the data you provide without your separate permission solely to fulfil and handle your order. Once the contract has been completely processed and the purchase price fully paid, your data will be blocked against further use and deleted once the fiscal and commercial provisions have expired, unless you have explicitly consented to the further use of your data. When registering for the newsletter your name and e-mail address are used for internal advertising purposes with your consent, until such time as you deregister from the newsletter. Extensive information on data privacy can be found here.